I guess when I say difficult with these opponents I should include that I play silver and gold. This answer requires more experience then anything. this question isnt as specific, im looking for character/class spells and weapons/mods. Found another question possibly similar to mine, What's the difference between armor, barrier, and shields?. so please do not close my question becuase of that question. I am looking for specific combinations not the yes/no answer that was given. The answer that was given is far to vague for what I desire. The question was Do certain weapons do more damage to shields/barriers/armour in Mass Effect 3. I have discovered a potentionally similar question that i will address. I am looking for combinations that work in Multiplayer as well, not just Single Player. There has to be a weapon/mod or combination of biotics/weapons or combination of biotics someone has discovered that is aggressively devastating to units with armor. I find myself having no trouble with damaging units with shields or barriers but it seems taking out targets with a bar of Armor is a grueling and sometime deadly process (for me).